Wednesday Nov. 11, 2015 Berlin, Germany
Presen (Participant & Member Only)
Common Theme (for General Meeting and Forum):
“International Energy Systems in Transition – Perspectives from Science and Industry”
Opening Session |
10:00 - 10:10 |
O-1 |
Opening Address
Gaétan Lantagne, Treasure of IERE, Canada |
Abstract Presen. |
10:10 - 10:20 |
O-2 |
Welcome Address
Dr. Rolf- Martin Schmitz, COO, RWE AG, Germany |
Abstract Presen. |
10:20 - 10:40 |
O-3 |
Introduction to the German Energiewende
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hüttl, President of acatech, Germany |
Abstract Presen. |
Keynote Address |
10:40 - 11:10 |
K-1 |
The pace of the energy transition – a view from industry and science
Prof. Dr. Gert Jan Kramer, University of Leiden / Shell Projects & Technology, The Netherlands |
Abstract Presen. |
“A View on the Energy Transition from Different Countries”
Kick-off-statements as entry to panel discussion: |
Moderator : Prof. Dr. Alexander Bradshaw, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany |
11:10 - 11:20 |
P-1 |
Middle East & Turkey: The view from Middle East and North Africa
Mr. Paul van Son, RWE Country Chairman MENA & Turkey, UAE |
Abstract Presen. |
11:20 - 11:30 |
P-2 |
North America: Energy Systems in Transition – View from North America
Mr. Mark McGranaghan, Vice President, Power Delivery & Utilization, EPRI, USA |
Abstract Presen. |
11:30 - 11:40 |
P-3 |
China: Impacts of Large-scale Renewable Integration on Power Grid and Energy Transition
Dr. Yao Liangzhong, CEPRI, People's Republic of China |
Abstract Presen. |
11:40 - 11:50 |
P-4 |
Japan: Energy Transition: The View from Japan
Dr. Koji Nagano, Deputy Associate Vice President, Director, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI, Japan |
Abstract Presen. |
Moderated panel discussion on the various transition paths:
Moderator : Prof. Dr. Alexander Bradshaw, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany |
11:50 - 12:40 |
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hüttl, President of acatech, Germany
Mr. Paul van Son, RWE Country Chairman MENA & Turkey, UAE Mr. Mark McGranaghan, Vice President, Power Delivery & Utilization, EPRI, USA
Dr. Yao Liangzhong, CEPRI, People's Republic of China Dr. Koji Nagano, Deputy Associate Vice President, Director, Socio-economic Research Center, CRIEPI, Japan
Parallel Session Ia: Next Generation Renewables |
Session Chair : Dr. Chi Yongning, CEPRI, People's Republic of China
13:40 - 14:05 |
SIa-1 |
HQ perspectives regarding the renewable/storage market
Dr. Gaétan Lantagne, Hydro-Québec Research Institute, Canada |
Abstract Presen. |
14:05 - 14:30 |
SIa-2 |
Technical practices and the international standardization activities of RE grid integration
14:30 - 14:55 |
SIa-3 |
Sustainable Energy Supply for EL-Gouna Touristic City in Egypt
Mr. Peter Shawky, Mr. Mohamed Abdalla Sabry(Poster), El-Gouna Campus of TU Berlin, Egypt |
Abstract Presen. |
Parallel Session Ib: Energy Solutions for Active Customer |
Session Chair : Dr. Lioudmila Simon, RWE East, Czech Republic
13:40 - 14:05 |
SIb-1 |
Potentials of Industrial Demand Side Management
14:05 - 14:30 |
SIb-2 |
IPv6 based Communication and Information Infrastructure for Energy Internet
14:30 - 14:55 |
SIb-3 |
Innovative heat pump boiler fitting in the disrupted energy eco-system
14:55 - 15:00 |
SIb-4 |
Commercial conversion of an unused potential - waste heat and steam - into electrical energy
Parallel Session IIa: Future Requirements for Thermal Plantss |
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Emmanouil Kakaras, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Germany
15:40 - 16:05 |
SIIa-1 |
Future Requirements for Thermal Power Plants
16:05 - 16:30 |
SIIa-2 |
Electricity Transition in India & its Impact on Thermal Power
16:30 - 16:55 |
SIIa-3 |
Conventional Power Plants in an Electricity Market with a large Share of Renewables
16:55 - 17:20 |
SIIa-4 |
Integrating compressed air energy storage into a combined cycle gas turbine plant
17:20 - 17:25 |
SIIa-5 |
Improving the Flexibility of Thermal Power Plants Using Dynamic Simulation - Potential and Practical Examples
Ms. Julia Hentschel, Institute for Energy Systems – TU Munich, Germany |
Abstract Presen. |
17:25 - 17:30 |
SIIa-6 |
Energy storage combined with flexible power plants - Power to Fuel, LAES, Batteries
Prof. Dr. Emmanouil Kakaras, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Germany |
Abstract Presen. |
Parallel Session IIb: Future Role of Grids and Storage |
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Eberhard Umbach, Executive Board Representative of acatech, Germany
15:40 - 16:05 |
SIIb-1 |
Adverse effects on the power system stability due to inverter power sources increasingly connected to the power system
16:05 - 16:30 |
SIIb-2 |
Reliable, Economical and Eco-friendly Energy Transition Solutions Based on Hybrid Dynamic Simulation
Mr. Feng Xue, NARI Group Corporation, People’s Republic of China |
Abstract Presen. |
16:30 - 16:55 |
SIIb-3 |
Development and interpretation of the Merit order of Energy Storage
16:55 - 17:20 |
SIIb-4 |
The Implementation of IEC 61850 Smart Substation in Taiwan
17:20 - 17:25 |
SIIb-5 |
Research and discussion on electric vehicles charging cable testing methods in different standard systems
Mr. Xin Li, NARI Group Corporation, People’s Republic of China |
Abstract Presen. |
Concluding Session: Summary of 1st day and bridge to 2nd day
Moderator : Dr. Kathrin Goldammer, acatech, Germany |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Dr. Chi Yongning, CEPRI, People's Republic of China
Dr. Lioudmila Simon, RWE East, Czech Republic Prof. Dr. Emmanouil Kakaras, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Umbach, Executive Board Representative of acatech, Germany