The 14th IERE General Meeting

Wednesday Nov. 19, 2014
EPRI Charlotte Facilities, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Minutes of the 14th General Meeting (Members Only)  Minutes 
Common Theme (for General Meeting and Forum):
“The Integrated Grid – Realizing the Full Value of Central and Distributed Energy Resources”

Presen (Participant & Member Only)

Overall Conference Chair: Mr. Clark W. Gellings (Fellow, EPRI, USA)

 Overall Summary 
Plenary Session
0Session Chair : Dr. Arshad Mansoor, Senior Vice President R&D, EPRI, USA
9:00 - 9:10 P-1 Welcome Address
Dr. Arshad Mansoor, Senior Vice President R&D, EPRI, USA  Abstract  Presen. 
9:10 - 9:20 P-2 Opening Address
Dr. Rolando Nieva, Chair of IERE, Director Electric Systems, IIE, Mexico  Abstract  Presen. 
9:20 - 9:50 P-3 Keynote Address
The Value of an Integrated Power System
Dr. Arshad Mansoor, Senior Vice President R&D, EPRI, USA  Abstract  Presen. 
9:50 - 10:20 P-4 Keynote Address
Mr. Robin E. Manning, Executive Vice President & Chief External Relations Officer and Senior Vice President, Shared Services, Tennessee Valley Authority, USA  Abstract  Presen. 
Technical Session
Session A: Innovations in Wholesale Markets and Rate Design
0Session Chair : Mr. Clark W. Gellings, Fellow, EPRI, USA
10:20 - 10:25 TA-0 Introduction by Session Chair
 Abstract   Presen. 
10:25 - 10:55 TA-1 Improved Wholesale and Retail Market Performance through Efficient Pricing
Dr. Bernard Neenan, Technical Executive, EPRI, USA  Abstract   Presen.   Summary 
Session B: Strategies for Integrating Distributed Energy Resources and their Role in Tomorrow’s Energy Landscape with Grid Planning and Operation
0Session Chair : Dr. John W.M. Cheng, Senior Manager–Group Sustainability, CLP RI, Hong Kong
13:00 - 13:05
Introduction by Session Chair  Summary 
13:05 - 13:35 TB-1 Research on Operation Control Strategies of DC Micro-grid
Mr.Zizhong Zhang , Professional-level Senior Engineer, NARI Group(SGEPRI), China  Abstract   Presen. 
13:35 - 14:05 TB-2 SEAS - An Open Source IT Platform to Manage Energy
Mr. Philippe Bourguignon, SEAS Project Coordinator, EUREKA ITEA2 program, GDF SUEZ, France  Abstract   Presen. 
14:05 - 14:35 TB-3 Essential Reliability Services for the Bulk Electric System
Mr. Mark G. Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Reliability Officer, NERC, USA  Abstract   Presen. 
14:35 - 15:05 TB-4 Planning and Operational Implications of High Levels of Distributed Energy Resources on the Bulk Power System
Dr. Aidan Tuohy , Project Manager/Technical Leader, Grid Operations and Planning, EPRI, USA  Abstract   Presen. 
IERE Award 2014 Ceremony
Chair : Rolando Nieva, Chair of IERE, IIE, Mexico
Award winner:CEPRI, China  Abstract   Presen. 
Business Session
0Chair : Mr. Tetsuo Matsumura, Secretary General, IERE Central Office
15:55 - 16:15 BS-1 Chair’s Report 2012-2013
Dr. Rolando Nieva, Chair of IERE, IIE, Mexico  Abstract   Presen. 
16:15 - 16:35 BS-2 Report from Central Office
Mr. Tetsuo Matsumura, Secretary General, IERE Central Office  Abstract   Presen. 
Special Session: T&D Asset Management
0Session Chair : Dr. Gaétan Lantagne, Acting Senior Director, Research Institute of Hydro-Québec, Canada
TLM Report
16:35 - 17:05 SS-1 Report on North American TLM (Technology Leader Meeting)
Mr. Robin E. Manning, Executive Vice President & Chief External Relations Officer and Senior Vice President, Shared Services, Tennessee Valley Authority, USA
    ["North American TLM"is the second TLM, which is a closed meeting to be held as IERE's new activity on 18 November under the theme "T&D Asset Management"]
Summary of North American TLM
Edited by EPRI, USA
(Members Only)
Related Presentation
17:05 - 17:35 SS-2 Overview of Hydro-Québec R&D activities in asset management
Dr. Gaétan Lantagne, Acting Senior Director, Research Institute of Hydro-Québec, Canada  Abstract   Presen. 
17:35 - 18:05 SS-3 Development of Decision Support Programs for Maintenance Strategy of Electric Power Equipment
Dr. Tsuguhiro Takahashi , Senior Research Scientist, CRIEPI  Abstract   Presen. 

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