The IERE - EPRI North American Forum

Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014
EPRI Charlotte Facilities, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Presen (Participant & Member Only)

Common Theme (for General Meeting and Forum):
“The Integrated Grid – Realizing the Full Value of Central and Distributed Energy Resources

Overall Conference Chair: Mr. Clark W. Gellings (Fellow, EPRI, USA)

Technical Session
Session C: Deployment of Advanced Distribution and Reliability Technologies
0Chair : Mr. Masazumi Yamamoto , Senior Adviser Technology, Energy & Industrial Systems Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
9:05 - 9:35 TC-1 AmpaCity Project – Advanced Superconducting 10 kV System
Mr. Friedrich Schulte, Head of Strategy & Technology, R&D, RWE AG, Germany  Abstract   Presen. 
9:35 - 10:05 TC-2 TEPCO's Effort to Establish a Smart Grid
Dr. Shinya Sugita, Researcher, Engineering R&D Dept., TEPCO & Resident Researcher of EPRI, Japan  Abstract   Presen. 
10:05 - 10:35 TC-3 Accelerated Assessment of Operational Uncertainties Associated with High PV Penetration
Mr. Khaled Bahei-eldin, Manager, Electric Power Systems Lab, GE Global Research, USA  Abstract   Presen. 
10:35 - 11:05   Refreshments [Foyer]
Session D: Distributed Resources Technologies
0Chair : Dr. Tatsuki Okamoto, Executive Research Scientist, CRIEPI, Japan
11:10 - 11:40 TD-2 A Day-ahead Forecasting of Photovoltaic Power Generation Using Neural Network and Meteorological Data through Efficient Pricing
Mr. Kazuhiro Kobayashi , Senior Staff, Electric Power R&D Center R&D Division, Chubu EPCO, Japan  Abstract   Presen. 

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