Message from IERE

IERE provides a forum for interaction among its members at R&DT executive and management levels of electricity and energy business, through which they are able to act globally, capitalize on their strength originating from integration and cross cutting issues that they pursue, target to be initiators, facilitators. enablers to feedstock to WEC, UN, IEC, etc., and raise voice recognized by decision makers. And they are able to expect their own value added position of human networks that they will build through their IERE activities. Expansion of IERE membership will be an issue of high priority for the time being and certainly make its interaction more strengthened, significant and fruitful for their objectives.

Featuring the legacy of more than 30 years from its birth in 1968, IERE has got started with a new costume worn from January 1st, 2001. Reform of IERE is characterized by stimulating horizons such as definition of common platform, business orientation, new series of events, Website, widespread membership, permanent secretariat, Central Office installation and so forth.

IERE members will certainly be beneficial at their R&DT executive and management levels at planned events and will be endowed with value-added services in their daily activities of interaction. Plans of IERE activities are based on its vision, role-mission and strategic objectives.

IERE will target R&DT associated issues in which its members might be interested for the time being as indicated below. They will execute information exchange during at least up to 10 years period (2001 to 2010) to seek sustainability of electricity and energy not only in developed economies but also in developing economies.

This time, we have organized African Forum to ask ourselves what we can do for developing economies in the field of electricity with related services. We also held the first General Meeting here. South Africa is a good place to interlink developed economies with developing economies.

So we discussed the following items:

Energy Africa: What is its future from World Bank
TEPCO's Experience in Dispersed Power Generation/Storage Projects
International Interconnection and Rural Electrification (Session 1)
BOT Projects and Dispersed Generation (Session 2)
Technology Development in Changing Institutional Context (Session 3)
How to move toward Sustainable Future in Africa (Breakout Session)

G1: Privileged Issues of Technology Needs Seen from Africa
G2: How to Better Cooperate with Developed Technology Transfer and Key Factors of Success
G3: Human Resources Issues

We have held the General Meeting at the same time, too. It consists of Plenary Session on Energy for Future, Round Table Debate for HTGR Small and Safe Nuclear Reactors and Business Meeting.

76 people from 12 countries and regions in Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia South Africa, France, Finland, the Netherlands, Russia, USA, Canada, Mexico, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan.