African Forum was held in Cape Town ,South Africa during Nov.26-27, 2001
attended by 76 people. It was the first IERE Forum of Forum Suite held in
developing economies to bridge the gap between developed and developing
economies in electric power supply from technological aspect based on mutual
benefit and to make up a common platform to find effective cooperation and
communication methods including technology transfer both in engineering and in
26 (Monday) , 2001
the opening comment by Mr. R. Ballay, Chair of IERE, Dr. A. Covindassamy of
World Bank
presented a keynote address. He introduced ongoing financial support of World
Bank to energy
sector in Southern Africa in order to double the access to electricity from
present 8 % to 16% in next 10 years. World Bank is increasing lending to
extension of power supply in 2001 from the average US$ 150 M per year
in past 5 years to US$ 700 M. Increased portion to 50% of the future investment
will be assigned to electrification to fight against poverty and 30% to pre-
and post-privatization project and remaining 20% to power system
Session 1 : International
Interconnection and Rural Electrification
Mr. P. Naidoo of ESKOM explained
about SAPP(South African Power Pool : total capacity 45GW) cooperation status
and showed its future potential benefit. Prof. C.E. Dingley of Cape Town
University showed possible saving of electric energy combined with environmental
Mr. C. Nappez of EDF presented about
decentralized rural electrification stressing on cost and cost recovery and
partnership with fund and local community. Mr. D. Baker of EPRI introduced EPRI
US Roadmap for future until 2050. He referred to 5 key interdependent goals or
destinations among which is a goal of strengthening power delivery structure.
Possible technologies to be applied to realize this are: distributed power
generation, wide-area power flow control, advanced power electronics and energy
storage technologies.
Dr. S. J. Lennon of ESKOM stressed
the importance of rural electrification in developing countries integrated with
other technologies to reduce costs of infrastructures as a key to keep
sustainability of rural society, economy and environment. Mr. M. Trotignon of
EDF introduced various advantages of international interconnection. In north
Africa abundant gas resources can be effectively utilized by power system
interconnection. Mr. K. Lakmeerharan presented about education and training in
power system analysis in PIESA. Mr. A. Hepburn of PIESA spoke about
non-technical power losses mainly caused by inaccurate meter reading. Ms. W.
Poulten talked about environmental issues in PIESA and promotion of projects by
coordinated activities.
Mr. S. Irokawa of Toshiba talked
about new technologies of HVDC which can be used in international
interconnection both by long distance transmission and by back-to-back uses.
Mr. J.M. Huacuz of IIE introduced
electrification by PV application in remote rural areas in Mexico focusing on
the development stage and quality assurance. Quality is affected by hardware,
software and environmental conditions.
Prof. X. Hu of China EPRI presented
experience and challenges to build the nation-wide interconnection of power
grids in China. The purposes are to send power from west sources to east load
centers, to reduce reserve requirements and to strengthen power networks.
Required technologies are HVDC, FACTS and advanced coordinate controllers.
Session 2 : BOT Projects and Dispersed
Mr. M.G. Lauby of EPRI talked about
possible future power systems where Distributed Resources(DR) of two types, a
miniature, compact DR for residential and a DR attracting desired customers,
will come to the power market. Mr. R. Surtees of ESKOM introduced the research
about the demand side management under possible future competitive power market
in South Africa. Mr. M. Howells of Cape Town University presented the
integrated energy planning in South Africa based on several future scenarios.
Dr. J.L. van Heerden of ESKOM Enterprises talked about research on future peak
power generation by utilizing concentrating solar power and molten-salt energy
storage. Mr. P. Mounie of EDF presented a large IPP project of 300MW Azito
Power Plant in Ivory Coast. It will be increased to 450MW and completed as a
combined cycle power plant in next stage.
November 27 (Tuesday) , 2001
4. Keynote Address
Mr. T.
Taneichi of TEPCO introduced the experiences in generation from renewable
energy sources and energy storage. About PV power generation TEPCO installed
various demonstration systems and obtained operation data useful for
interconnection to distribution network. As for wind power, TEPCO installed
several test plants ranging 100 to 300 kW and started a 500kW commercial
operation in 2000. Most of them were installed in remote islands. TEPCO also
applied NAS storage batteries to a wind power generation which was originally
developed for the purpose of load leveling. TEPCO is also applying these
experiences to the electrification of developing countries.
5. Session
3 : Technology Development in Changing Institutional Context
Mr. C.J.
Johnston of IEC explained the activities of IEC and its coordination with
regional partners. IEC launched Affiliate Country Program in June, 2001 to
newly industrializing countries. 61 countries were invited and 37 accepted to
date. The participation is in electronic environment and without financial
burden. Mr. P. Johnson of PIESA spoke about regional standards and work for
rationalization of standards in PIESA within standards hierarchy in African
electric power supply industry.
Dr. M.H.
Yoon of KEPRI presented overview of Korean power industry and roadmap of power
industry restructuring and privatization. In 2001, generation sector was
separated from KEPCO to 5 fossil power and 1 nuclear power companies. In 2002,
distribution sector will be separated to several distribution companies. After
2004, wholesale and retail competition is planned. Mr. A. Hepburn of PIESA
explained about working group activities for low cost electrification in
Southern Africa. Among various projects, single wire earth return, load
limiters, shield wire, distribution automation, distributed generation and
dynamic thermal conductor rating are in the priority list.
4 : How to Move toward Sustainable Future in Africa
session is a breakout session and separated to following 3 groups.
1) Group1 : Privileged Issues of Technology
Needs seen from Africa
Mr. S.
Iwashina of TEPCO presented environmental protection technologies of Japanese
Power Companies and TEPCO focusing on the various technologies in fossil fuel
power generation to decrease SOx and NOx emission, water treatment and
landscape and greenery management.
Dr. S.J.
Lennon of ESKOM presented technology roadmap of ESKOM. Environmental analysis
and defined goal of competitiveness in the new arena leads to the importance of
R&D strategy. Technological response is required in power systems, customer
interfaces and services, asset and
product performance, sustainable development, national and regional
contribution and competition in e-business and so on.
discussion in this group recommended following proposals for IERE technology
transfer to African countries north of South Africa as conclusion.
develop a generation and transmission and an electrification regional master
design new low cost solutions and to adapt locally manufactured equipments
introduce affordable gas emission mitigation and to increase operating
d) to
set up a technology transfer team and to present new ideas and transfer of
these ideas
2) Group 2 : How to Better Cooperate with
Developed Countries----Technology
Transfer and Key Factors to Success
Mr. G. Tosen of PIESA presented
history, objectives, entities, activities, members, progress to date of PIESA
and its future vision and strategies. Members of PIESA are 8 power companies in
Southern Africa. PIESAfs principal activities are regional cooperation in
research, development and demonstration, standardization and technical resource
development in the electricity
distribution industry. Unfortunately Mr. B. Munanga of UPDEA could not attend
this meeting. However, he submitted the paper introducing UPDEA and
harmonization of standards development by the cooperation with PIESA.
Open discussion in this group
generated many proposed ideas which came to the following recommendation.
For plan for a successful energization
project, coordinated elements such as policy, technology, practices,
organization, local commitment, resource flow, monitoring etc. is necessary.
Training in electrification planning
should be undertaken
Foster South-South collaboration
including people exchange
Group 3 : Human Resources Issues
Mr. G.W. Lok of ESKOM explained
retaining knowledge and skills within organization using knowledge management
concepts. Reduction of manpower cost results in erosion of skills and experience-based knowledge. A
computer-based method approach is under research including development of
diagnostics system for simulated fault conditions.
Open discussion in this group
reached following conclusions and recommendations
a) Appropriate knowledge management
should be a part of technology transfer
Case studies are important
IERE should have a specific working
Practices employed by members should
be transferable
Absolute key is in current context
4) Wrap up by animators of each
Dr. S. J. Lennon, Animator of group
1, Mr. J. Begg, Animator of group 2 and Mr. M. Howells, Animator of group 3 successively
made their speeches as wrap-ups of presentations and discussions in each group.
Concluding Session----Report from each session chair
Session Chairs, Dr. S. J. Lennon
(Part1 of Session1), Mr. D. Baker(on behalf of Mr. M. G. Lauby : Part 2 of
Session1), Dr. R. C. Ruiz(Session2), Dr. J. van Liere (Session3), Mr. G.
Tosen(Session4) summarized and made comments on their sessions respectively.
Closing Remarks
Dr. S. J. Lennon of ESKOM made a
concluding speech with emphasis on the importance of partnership.
(#) Proceedings of this African
Forum was issued on January 18, 2002 from IERE Central Office