IERE Round Table in "Spring of R&D" , EDF
R&D in electricity worldwide trends

May 23, 2003
EDF, France

Presen. / Comment,Q&A / Picture (Members Only)

0Round Table Debate for "R&D in electricity worldwide trends"
The role of global and regional cooperation to sustain R&D in the Electric Power Industry.
Mark LAUBY , EPRI  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 
Impact of the Deregulation of Electricity Supply Industries on the Management of R&D.
Yoshiharu TACHIBANA , TEPCO  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 
The status of wind energy.
Hamid ELAHI , GE  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 
Third Party Contract Research in the Liberalized Electric market.
Nano BOLT , KEMA  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 
L'innovation technologique à Hydro-Québec.
Roger LANOUE , HQ  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 
La R&D du Groupe EDF.
Yves BAMBERGER , EDF  Abstract   Presen.   Comment,Q&A   Picture 

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