
  • General Meeting and Forum

    General Meeting and Forum is a platform for interactions among members, and guests from variety of fields can meet each other annually.

  • Workshop

    A workshop is organized to discuss a specific technical and socio-economic issue at the expert level.

  • Webinar

    The IERE Webinar is a new form of IERE online event aimed at providing information to a wider range of members.

  • Technology Foresight

    The Technology Foresight project selected 20 key Emerging technologies & 5 Fringe (black swan) technologies and summarized the outline.

  • Board Meeting

    The Board plans and organizes activities to effectively exchange information, ideas, views or opinions among members.

  • TIS activities

    The concept of TIS is to identify technological issues of electricity globally and solve them through collaborative works.

  • R&D Projects and Others

    The concept of R&D Projects is to share the work by providing technological knowledge, information, skills, and work force.

  • Technology Leader Meeting

    Technology Leader Meeting (TLM) is a small and high-level meeting at round table focused on specific needs in the Power Industry.