Vice Chair
WANG Weisheng
CEPRI, China
Brendon JOE
CLP, Hong Kong SAR
Secretary General
TAKEI Katsuhito
Japan » Message here
Note: IERE reviewed its Vision, Mission and Activities in 2019 to ensure that it remains relevant and continues to deliver value to the electric power sector, given the continuously changing societal, environmental and economic expectations around the world.
IERE is a worldwide, non-profit organization - established in 1968 as International Electric Research Exchange - serving executives, senior managers, engineers, and researchers who are responsible for electricity and energy related R&D and solutions.
- electricity & energy supply industry
- equipment providers
- energy associations
- academic researchers
- government
To be a unique global platform serving its members through the exchange of technical expertise and know-how of advanced and appropriate technologies and research and development in the electric power sector.
Vice Chair
WANG WeishengTreasurer
Brendon JOESecretary General
TAKEI Katsuhito