23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum
(Day 1)

Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for Industry and Territories

November 21–24, 2023, Singapore

Organized by IERE and ENGIE

NOTE: Presentation files could be downloaded by only participants and members

Plenary Session: WHAT


Opening Address

MINO Yoshiaki (IERE Chair)

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Welcome Speech : WHY ARE WE HERE?


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Plenary Session: HOW in APAC


Enabling Net-Zero Energy Transition: A Perspective from Singapore's R&D Landscape

Muhamad Azfar RAMLI

(Deputy Director (Systems Science), Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore)

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Innovations in APAC

Caroline GUYOT (Managing Director, ENGIE Factory Asia-Pacific, Singapore)

Joel TAY (CEO, PHNXX, Australia)

Tommy PHUN (Founder, Pyxis, Singapore)

Tulika RAJ (CEO and Co-Founder, SunGreenH2, Singapore)

Jan HOLM (Seaborg Technologies, Singapore)

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ENGIE’s Ambition in APAC

Thomas BAUDLOT (CEO Energy Solutions, Country Head Southeast Asia, ENGIE SOUTH EAST ASIA, Singapore)

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SHARE & PULL Workshop: Session A

Theme : Making Business Out of It

Chair : Caroline GUYOT (Managing Director, ENGIE Factory Asia-Pacific, Singapore)

The role of low carbon power generation in support of a just Energy Transition

Andrew Minchener, OBE (General Manager, The International Centre for Sustainable Carbon, UK)

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EnBW - a utility on the path to sustainability

Wolfram MÜNCH (Director Research&Delevopment, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG Karlsruhe, Germany)

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Introduction to the Market-online Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Experimental Environment Established by Sino-Europe Cooperation

YUAN Hao (Senior Engineer, China Electric Power Research Institute, China)

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SHARE & PULL Workshop: Session B

Theme : Regulatory & Public Acceptance, How to Accelerate Learning by Doing?

Chair : Gregory TOSEN (IERE Advising Chair Emeritus, South Africa)

The Current State of the Balancing Services Market in Japan and Our Pilot Projects to Integrate DSR into the Grid

YAMADA Tomoyuki (Research Scientist, Grid Innovation Research Laboratory, CRIEPI, Japan)

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Collaborative Research as an effective tool to speed up industrial transitions - ENGIE Laborelec’s return on experience

Jean-Pierre KEUSTERMANS (Research Partnership Manager, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium)

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How to accelerate learning by real scale system testing in harsh environments? The role of climatic validation testing of energy transition technologies operating in demanding worldwide markets

Pieter Jan JORDAENS (Program Manager On & Offshore Wind | Manager Energy Transition, Department Energy Transition, Sirris, Belgium)

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REIDS-SPORE: Forging the Path to Sustainable Energy and Innovation

Arifeen Md WAHED (Program Manager, ENGIE Lab Singapore, Singapore)

Abhiruchi GADGIL (Program Manager, Integration and Energy Management, ENGIE Lab Singapore, Singapore)

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PV technology overview, its position in the energy mix and the role of R&D

Angelo RODRIGUEZ GARCIA (Project Manager, Renewables and Urban Department, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium)

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SHARE & PULL Workshop: Session C

Theme : Green Molecules

Chair : Jan MERTENS (Chief Science Officer, ENGIE Research, France)

Challenges of explosion protection in hydrogen electrolysis plants

Svenja KOWALZICK (Project Engineer, Process Engineering, RWE TI, Germany)

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Online gas analysis in carbon neutral energy production

Antti HEIKKILA (Product Manager, Industrial Instruments, Vaisala Oyj, Finland)

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Electrolyzer Performance Modeling and Simulation

Oscar FRAPPEREAU (R&D Process Engineer at Hydrogen Lab, Vulcain Engineering, consultant at ENGIE Lab CRIGEN, France)

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Hydrogen Heavy Duty Applications and Testing

Ben SKILLINGS (Division Manager, Hydrogen Industry Technology & Testing, Powertech Labs, Canada)

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Investigation of green hydrogen production with using geothermal energy and potential hydrogen demand in Kumamoto prefecture

KOJO Gen (Hydrogen Business Strategy Division, Kansai EPCO, Japan)

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C2FUEL: Demonstrating E-Chemical Production in an Industrial Environment

Bérenger WEGMAN (Doctoral Candidate, Lab Hydrogen, ENGIE Lab CRIGEN, France–Sustainable Process Engineering, TU/e, Netherlands)

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Impacts of CCS and Electro-hydrogen on Decarbonization Path of Power System

QIN Xiaohui (Director of Division of New Type Power System Strategic Planning, Power System Carbon Neutrality Research Center, China Electric Power Research Institute, China)

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