23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum
(Day 2)

Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for Industry and Territories

November 21–24, 2023, Singapore

Organized by IERE and ENGIE

NOTE: Presentation files could be downloaded by only participants and members

Plenary Session: IERE General Meeting


Recent IERE Activities

MINO Yoshiaki (IERE Chair)

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Ongoing Projects and Upcoming Events

TAKEI Katsuhito (IERE Secretary General)

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AI Collabolation Project (2nd Round) – Overview

Katharina DILCHERT (International Research Coordinator, E.ON Group Innovation GmhB, Germany)

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AI Collabolation Project (2nd Round) – Object detection of pole-mounted switchs

OIRASE Masaya (Researcher, Advanced Research & Innovation Center, Chubu EPCO, Japan)

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The report of IERE Technology Foresight 2023

Subbu BETTADAPURA (Senior Director, Growth Advisory, Frost & Sullivan, India)

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Plenary Session: Technologies of the Future


Emerging trends around carbon capture technologies

Jan MERTENS (Chief Science Officer, ENGIE Research, France)

Alvin LEE (Regional Head, APAC, Puro.earth, Singapore)

Sylvia LOW (Director Business Development, 1PointFive, Singapore)

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Development of innovative and environment-friendly solutions for the treatment and recycling of components in the transition to net-zero

Niels DE BOER (COO, ERI@N, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

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Plenary Session: Special Lecture


Geo-political changes over the last decades resulting in systemic consequences for electricity utilities

Gregory TOSEN (IERE Advising Chair Emeritus, South Africa)

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SHARE & PULL Workshop : Session D

Theme : Transversal Enablers, Circularity & Energy Efficiency

Chair : Katharina DILCHERT (International Research Coordinator, E.ON Group Innovation GmbH, Germany)
Fiona BUCKLEY (Senior Expert and Senior Project Manager, Renewables and Urban Department, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium)

Modeling and simulation of the valorization of waste heat from hydrogen production in industrial applications

Sanae BOUAICHI (R&D Project Manager, ENGIE Lab CRIGEN, France)

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Economically Rational CO₂ Reduction Potential in the Japanese Hot Water Sector considering Lock-in Issues: Future Analysis using Micro Data of Survey on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Residential Sector

YAMADA Manaka (Researcher, Socio-Economic Research Center, CRIEPI, Japan)

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FUREC: from waste to feedstock

Ingo BIRNKRAUT (CEO & Managing Director, RWE Technology International GmbH, Germany)

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Development of Energy Management System for Microgrid in Chubu EPCO

YAMAGUCHI Ryo (Electric Power Research & Development Center, Chubu EPCO, Japan)

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SHARE & PULL Workshop : Session E

Theme : Renewable Energy & Electrification, Flexibility of the Energy System

Chair : Jean-Pierre KEUSTERMANS (Research Partnership Manager, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium)

Control, Flexibility and Inertia Technologies for Achieving NDC 2030 and Net Zero 2050 in Korea

Jeonghoon SHIN (Director General, Head of Future Grid Research Center, KEPCO Research Institute, South Korea)

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TPRI Shulin Microgrid integration and application

Heng-An LIN (Electrical Engineer, Measuring Instrument Section, Taiwan Power Research Institute, Taiwan)

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Mixing data and knowledge for modeling and control of building energy systems

Benoit DELINCHANT (Full Professor at Grenoble INP & Researcher at Grenoble Electrical Engineering Lab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, G2Elab, Grenoble, France)

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Impact of Household Electrification on the Investment Drivers of PV-Battery Systems

Jolien DESPEGHEL (PhD researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium)

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Multi-purpose ESS operation technologies for NTAs(Non-Transmission Alternatives)

Woongjae JEON (Senior Researcher, Future Grid Research Center, KEPCO Research Institute, South Korea)

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Offshore Energy-Islands

Fiona BUCKLEY (Senior Expert and Senior Project Manager, Renewables and Urban Department, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium)

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Closing Remarks


TAKEI Katsuhito (IERE Secretary General)

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